
Know What You Are Worth Today to Map Out Your Financial Future

It does not matter how much money you have today; you still must know the details of what you are worth. Understanding your financial situation can help you develop a retirement plan, 偿还债务, draft a comprehensive estate plan and live with financial independence.

算出你的净资产, you should calculate the amount by which your assets (what you own) exceed your liabilities (what you owe). If your assets are greater than your liabilities, you have a positive net worth and vice versa.1

Doing this can provide you with valuable insight into what you can do to continue the plan toward financial confidence, or maybe it is an eye-opener to overspending. This knowledge may allow you to see where you can adjust toward more beneficial financial decision-making.


资产包括房地产, 银行账户, 投资工具, 退休基金, 经纪账户, 还有一些私人物品,比如你的车, 船, 飞机, 珠宝, 或其他收藏品. Remember to include those intangible assets you might own, 像专利, 知识产权, 商标, 等.2


负债包括抵押贷款, 信用卡债务, 学生贷款, 医疗费用, 个人贷款, 在法庭上对你不利, 等. This may also include money you might owe to someone or an organization.3

Because we have so many different assets of varying values, assigning accurate values to your assets can become difficult. It is essential not to inflate your net worth, thus making it more challenging to prepare a strategy that you will be able to follow.

One way to determine the value of what you own is by comparing your assets to similar assets in your area that are for sale or that have been recently sold.

Over the years, your net worth will fluctuate. The immediate increases and decreases are less significant than the trend that develops over time. It is the trend that you want to learn how to expose and observe. As you grow older and earn more income from work and investments, 在你的家里建立公平, increase your assets and pay down your debt, your net worth can potentially grow, 但这需要纪律, 预算, 和规划. It is never too early to get the guidance you need from an experienced financial professional.

The following tips may help you take your first steps toward addressing your financial goals and needs:

  • 偿还债务
  • 花仔细
  • 出售未使用或不需要的资产
  • 收回未付款项
  • 明智地储蓄和投资
  • Work with a financial professional to develop a financial strategy.
  • 定期监控你的进步4

Part of knowing what you are worth today is being able to build a customized financial strategy that works for your goals at your level of risk. A financial professional can help you make smart decisions by thoroughly understanding your financial situation.

Request a complimentary consultation, 无论是面对面的还是虚拟的, with a Financial Advisor at 元素财富管理.



The opinions voiced in this material are for general information only and 不 intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual.

All information is believed to be from reliable sources; however LPL Financial makes no representation as to its completeness or accuracy.

This article was prepared by LPL Financial Marketing Solutions.


  1. 什么是净资产? ——福布斯顾问
  2. 资产和. Liabilities: Examples of Assets and Liabilities - 2022 - MasterClass
  3. 资产和 Liabilities | 前 9 Differences (with Infographics) (wallstreetmojo.com)
  4. 聪明理财. 25 tips to improve your financial well-being | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (consumerfinance.gov)

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